teal spades

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

A brand new year!
A clean slate on which to write
our hopes and dreams.
This year:
Less time and energy on things;
More time and energy on people.
All of life’s best rewards,
deepest and finest feelings,
greatest satisfactions,
come from people--
people like you.
Happy New Year!

              -Joanna Fuchs
 Almost a year and half ago I had a brilliant idea to create a blog. I'm really bad a keeping in touch with my friends and loved ones!!!. It's not that I don't care or don't think of them often, because I do. The time of day I find most productive is late at night while most people are sleeping (except for maybe my Mother ;) Out of courtesy ,and fear of being cursed out, I put of the phone call until the morning. The morning rises and we are all rushing through our work days without time to make that call I had planned on. The work day is over and we are rushing to pick up the kids, run errands, cook dinner and finish all those projects that need to be done for the next day. So the vicious cycle continues another day, week, month and maybe even year(s).
Hope you had a great New Years Celebration and that you receive your hearts desires throughout 2011!


Thursday, August 27, 2009


30 Something...

Today is the 1st day into the 31st year of my life. I am now 30 something!
As a part of my "new year"I have finally decided to start writing in my blog and to try my best to keep in touch my dear friends. Even though I may not see or speak to you often, please know you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

I have lots of exciting things going on this year including getting married, perusing a new avenues of my career and enjoying every single moment with my family and friends.
At 30 something I have become wiser and much more confident.
Whomever said 30 is the new 20 is so wrong...30 is soooo much better than 20!

I hope you all enjoy my random ramblings on life, religion, love, weddings, work, family, friendship scrapbooking, shopping and just plain old complaining ;)

<3 Monie